Rafting Neretva Konjic

    Thursday, June 20, 2024

    Feel the full adrenaline on the Neretva river

    We have the rafting center in the canyon of the Neretva. Rafting on the Neretva, 22 km long. In addition to rafting, we also offer accommodation. We have a private parking, a summer garden of up to 120 places located right next to the Neretva, so it creates a fresh and cozy feeling during your stay in our rafting center. The rafting boat can accommodate up to 10 people. We have complete Neoprene equipment for up to 120 people. We as a team offer top rafting with maximum safety for all ages. We are located in the Neretva canyon 4 km from the city.
    Rafting trip:
    Breakfast in the restaurant at 10 or 11am and clothing on
    Rafting trips can start at  11-12am, it is your choice
    We have all needed Neopren equipment
    We transport you across Boracko lake, to the start point
    Rafting takes about 5 hours,with an experienced skipper
    > You’ll feel unforgettable adrenaline on 10 rapids
    > You'll pass under a waterfall, drink water from the spring
    > We can make a delicious barbecue-grill in the canyon
    > Jump from cliffs to deep water, swim in rapids and relax
    > The trip is fun and safe for all ages
    > At the end, back to the Restaurant for the lunch
    • Rafting price is: 35 Euro per person!
    • Equipment, transport to the start, rafting and lunch!
    • Overnight-bed 15 Euro per person!
    > viber, wtsApp +387 61 52 92 12
    > mob: 061 52 92 12
    > raftneretva@gmail.com

    Saturday, April 20, 2024

    Rafting na Neretvi

    Mini rafting na rijeci Neretvi

    Rafting camci mogu primiti 8 do 10 ljudi u isto vrijeme, pa imajte na umu prilikom planiranja turneje. Rafting Neretvom organiziraju profesionalni licencirani rafting vodiči, poznati kao skiperi. Svi skiperi imaju IRF rafting licencu i certifikate. Naši skiperi imaju dugogodišnje iskustvo.

     Mini rafting ponuda:
      1) Priprema odjeće!
      2) Rafting putovanje može započeti u 10.11 ili 12 sati, po vašem izboru!
      3) Vozimo vas do točke gdje počinje vaš mini rafting!
      4) Imamo svu potrebnu opremu: odijela, prsluke, kacige,obuću!
      5) Mini rafting traje oko 1:15 sati, s' iskusnim skiperom!
      6) Rafting trip je zabavan i siguran za sve uzraste!

     >> Mini rafting, cijena: 40 KM po osobi 
    Viber, whatsApp +387 61 529 212
    Mob: 061 52 92 12

    Dobro došli!

    Smjestaj - Apartman

     Welcome - Dobro došli!
    Hostel, Rooms and Apartments
    Smještaj, Sobe i Apartman

    Apartment - Apartman
    viber, whatsApp: +38761529212
    mob: 061 52 92 12